Toothaches Could Be Warning Sign of Cancer-Expert

A Professor of oral pathologist, Bukola Adeyemi, has counseled Nigerians against patronising quacks for tooth extractions when experiencing toothaches because not all toothaches are as result of diseases originating in the tooth.

Professor Adeyemi, in her inaugural lecture, entitled “Unmasking an Enemy: The Pursuit of an Oral Pathologist,” at the University of Ibadan, said that toothache, though often due to less sinister causes, may be a symptom of a more deadly disease like oral cancer. This includes any cancer that develops in any part of the mouth.

In her presentation, she said studies revealed that pain from a non-mobile tooth was the most common symptom first observed in 27.5 percent of cases of oral cancer, followed by other symptoms like swelling and painless sores.

She noted that pain is the most common cause of dental consultation in Nigeria, although many people with painless changes in their mouth never consider hospital consultation since pain is absent.

The academic stressed that the danger with oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC), the most common form of oral cancer worldwide, is that in its early stages, it can go unnoticed and, when noticed, may be ignored because pain may be absent.

She, however, said that the cause of oral cancer is largely unknown, adding that some factors have been found to increase individuals’ chances of developing this cancer

“Most factors are modifiable and are diverse, ranging from ultraviolet radiation to cancer-causing viruses, fumes from firewood, dietary deficiencies, immune status, and social habits such as chronic tobacco and alcohol use.

“Alcohol and tobacco are the most important risk factors in the cause of oral cancer; they also work synergistically to effect carcinogenesis, the process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells.

“So, the important lessons are: do not ignore a painless sore in the mouth; do not treat as innocent any sore in the mouth that persists beyond two weeks but rather have it tested; and all changes in the mouth must be presented for expert opinion; these include tingling sensations, numbness, colour change, mobile tooth, and swellings.

“Some toothaches are not due to diseases originating in the tooth, so don’t visit quacks for tooth extractions when experiencing toothache. Don’t move around in search of tooth removal when a dentist has advised you against it. Insist on dental radiographs before any tooth removal. Toothache, though often due to less sinister causes, maybe a symptom of a more deadly disease.

“Visit the dentist at least once a year; the best is every six months. This is because many diseases of the oral cavity, including oral cancer, are often painless in the early, easily treated stages of the disease and may remain unnoticed until it is advanced,” she said.

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