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- It is worth noting that our love languages are different.
- A study finds a ‘cup of tea’ can keep romance alive.
- Aptly called “Enduring Love”, it found that while saying “I love you” was important, showing love in action was valued most.
A survey finds a ‘cup of tea’ can keep the romance alive. At first, it may sound like a bluff. But when you think about it, making a cup of tea for someone you love is romantic, especially for tea lovers.
After a long day at work, imagine being asked by your significant other, ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ Knowing how your partner takes their tea is yet another way to express care and thoughtfulness; apart from getting flowers and chocolate.
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While it’s worth noting that our love languages aren’t the same, cuddling on the couch and chatting about your day over a cup of tea made with love is the ultimate love language for some.
Making a cup of tea for your significant other is one of the gestures that can help couples make their love last, according to a UK study. The two-year study by The Open University showed that it’s not grand bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolates that keep love alive, but rather selfless gestures, with making a cup of tea singled out as a significant sign of a partner’s affection.
Researchers interviewed close to 5 000 men and women on how to make love last in the 21st century.
The study, aptly called “Enduring Love”, found that while saying “I love you” was important, showing love in action was valued most.
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As Valentine’s Day is only days away, remember that thoughtful gifts and generous acts of kindness were described as expressions of love and were not dependent on money or significant dates.
Adele du Toit, the SA Rooibos Council (SARC) spokesperson, says sharing a cup of tea can enhance the relationship in three ways:
-Tea provides a mutual experience that can be enjoyed together.
-It consists of an act of kindness. From carefully measuring out the leaves or tea bags, gently pouring the water into the teapot and emptying its contents into your finest cups, make your companion feel appreciated. It’s symbolic of how you feel about them.
-Carving out time to be with your special someone in that moment, also encourages richer conversation.
“Due to its high antioxidant content, Rooibos too is considered one such aphrodisiac. The popular herbal infusion stimulates neurons to keep firing feel-good messages to the brain, which is considered the most important organ in the body when it comes to intimacy.”
Here are two recipes to try out this month of love:
A love potion to share with the one that holds your heart
½ cup loose leaf Rooibos
¼ cup dried rose petals
2 cinnamon sticks, crushed
2 whole vanilla beans, chopped
2 tbsp cacao nibs
1 tbsp pink peppercorns
OPTIONAL: 1 tbsp dried ashwagandha root (indigenous to Southern Africa, commonly called geneesblaarbossie (Afrikaans), winter cherry (English), ubuvimbha (Zulu), ubuvuma (Xhosa) and bofepha (Sotho)
Combine all ingredients in a jar, lightly stir or shake until loosely combined. Seal and store out of direct sunlight until ready to use. To make the tisane, boil water and place 1-2 tbsp of the loose leaf in a French press, tea strainer or teabag. Pour hot water over tea and allow to steep for 5-10 min before serving. Serve alone or with a splash of milk and raw honey.
Recipe courtesy of Vidya Living
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Rooibos and hibiscus love bath
Rooibos can soothe your skin. Add a strong cup or two to your bath water or enjoy a fragrant infusion by adding flower petals and essential oils
You’ll need:
1 cup dried hibiscus flowers, 1 cup rose petals, ½ tbsp cardamom pods, 20 drops rose essential oil, 5 drops sandalwood essential oil, ½ cup Epsom salt, 1 cup loose leaf Rooibos
To make:
Mix the salts and essential oils together in a bowl. Take another bowl to mix the flowers and Rooibos together. Gently stir in the salts and essential oils into the bowl of flowers. To enjoy your bath tea, scoop the mix into a reusable cotton bag, cheesecloth, or muslin bag. When you’re ready to use your bath tea, directly hang the bag under the faucet for the water to soak up all the tea before entering the bath or place it in the bath directly. Soak it all in.
Recipe courtesy of Sipsby Tea
Information issued by Meropa Communications on behalf of the SA Rooibos Council
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