MACBAN kicks over killing of pastorialists, demands justice


The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has condemned the killing of some of its members in Nasarawa State.

Over 30 pastorialists were killed under controversial circumstances on Saturday.

Reacting in a statement on Wednesday, MACBAN President, Baba Othman Ngelzarma, said the attack was unwarranted.

“The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria condemns the Barbaric killing of 30 Pastoralists with unspecified number of livestock by a purported Bombing raid from unknown source on January 21st 2023 in Rukubi
Community, Ikye Development Area, Doma Local Government Nasarawa State.

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“Those killed had gone to Makurdi to retrieve about 1,250 of their cows impounded by the Benue Livestock guards after paying a fine of about 29 Million Naira for violating the “anti-open grazing law of Benue State”. After paying, the pastoralist had hired vehicles from Makurdi to convey back their seized livestock to Rukubi, and it was in the process of offloading their livestock that an attack was conducted which killed 31 Pastoralist, 8 Hausa Butchers from Benue who have escorted the vehicles to upload the cows and four (4) others are now on admission in Lafia Hospital.

“This is the Third time we have experienced such happenings. In the last two happenings it was clear that the Airforce is being involved in strafing livestock between the border of Benue & Nasarawa State within the Last One year.

“But in the recent one it is not clear whether it was a Bomb Blast, distant attack or an Airstrike as reported by our Nasarawa State Branch. MACBAN describes the action as not only condemnable but a war crime under the Geneva convention that prohibits the wanton killing of Livestock. We call on the Authorities to not only investigate this terror but to also punish the culprits and to be sure that incident like this will not happen again.

“Information available to us shows that the perpetrators must have been informed about the release of the Livestock from Benue Livestock Guards Custody to impose a double jeopardy on pastoralists lives and their assets.”


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