Investing in Local Manufacturing: The Key to Nigeria’s Future Health Security



By Ade Shodeinde

As Nigeria strives to achieve self-sufficiency in healthcare and reduce its reliance on imports, the need for local manufacturing of health commodities cannot be overemphasized.

With a rapidly growing population and an increasing burden of diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and cancer, the need for affordable and high-quality diagnostics and therapeutics has never been more critical.

At Ash Biomedical, we are committed to meeting this need by investing in local biomedical manufacturing. Our focus is on developing and producing in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs) that can help diagnose diseases accurately and quickly, and at an affordable cost.

With our state-of- the-art facilities and experienced team, we are proud to be leading the way in this critical area. We are not alone in this endeavour. Around the world, many companies are investing in local manufacturing to enhance healthcare access and create economic opportunities.

For example, in India, there are several companies that have developed affordable diagnostics for diseases like tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, which has helped to reduce the burden of these diseases on the population.

Similarly, in South Africa, there are companies that are developing and producing innovative therapies for cancer and other diseases that are prevalent in the count. Another South African company produces a rapid diagnostic test for HIV that can be used in remote areas without access to traditional lab testing. And a Ugandan company is developing new methods for monitoring and treating HIV infections.

Here in Nigeria, we are fortunate to have the support of Manufacturing Africa, a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting African manufacturing, which has helped us to move closer to our goal of producing affordable and high-quality IVDs locally. Manufacturing Africa has provided us with technical expertise, valuable insights and we are now better equipped to navigate the regulatory and funding landscape.

We are also encouraged by the Federal Government’s commitment to supporting local businesses through policies like the Nigerian Economic Sustainability Plan and the Buy Nigerian, Save the Naira initiative. These policies are designed to encourage local manufacturing and create jobs, and we believe they will play a vital role in helping us to achieve our goals.

We are also optimistic about the potential impact of the new government. With the recent election of a new president, there is hope that we will see a renewed commitment to supporting local businesses and developing policies that prioritize healthcare and access to life-saving treatments.

We believe that by working together with the government, other companies, and organizations, we can make significant progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and beyond.

At Ash Biomedical, we are proud to be living up to this challenge. We have already secured regulatory approval for our facilities and will be breaking ground in weeks. We are confident that our products will meet the highest standards of quality and affordability, and we look forward to serving the Nigerian people and the wider African continent.

In conclusion, investing in local manufacturing is a critical step towards achieving Nigeria’s future health security. By developing and producing high-quality and affordable diagnostics and therapeutics locally, we can enhance access to healthcare, create jobs, and promote economic growth.

At Ash Biomedical, we are proud to be at the forefront of this movement, and we believe that together, we can build a healthier and more prosperous future for Nigeria and Africa.

We invite you to join us on this journey, as we work towards a healthier and more prosperous Africa.

Shodeinde is Managing Director, Ash Biomedical Diagnostics Ltd, Abuja, Nigeria

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