Bad Mood? These strategies help you lift your spirits and feel happier


In everyone’s life, there may be a moment when the mood drops to zero, nothing pleases and does not cause desire, but rather irritates or, on the contrary, causes complete detachment from the world. Sometimes a person can not cope with his thoughts, and it does not matter whether he is worried about something or just moping, still a person needs to be saved!   When a person begins to think about how to raise his mood, most often he closes in his sad thoughts and complains about fate.  That’s wrong! It is necessary not to dwell on your bad mood and, feeling that it begins to consume you, strive to fight such a state, even though you “do not want”. 

Surely many people have long known that a good mood has a positive impact on the overall health condition. Cheerful people are healthier and more active than their depressed counterparts.  A person who thinks positively is self-confident and can overcome difficulties. And this is not to mention the fact that, if we turn to science, the level of cortisol in the blood of people in a good mood is much lower, even without looking at side factors such as advanced age, bad habits, and weight. We in our article tried to collect the most common and valid ways to raise morale, with which you can improve your mood. 


It has long been confirmed that the human body affects the brain and vice versa. Therefore, if in the morning sincerely smile in the mirror, no matter if in a bad or good mood, the body will give a signal for the production of positive hormones, which all day will play a good role, a person from the beginning will be set up for an active way. But do not forget that the opposite reaction can occur if you constantly frown in front of the mirror.

Call your friend or be intimate with your partner

People are social, so if you do not satisfy the need for communication, then there may come a general psychological disorder, decline in strength, and deterioration of physical condition. In general, to avoid this, just call or meet with a person with whom you feel comfortable and pleasant, you can chat “about this, that, and nothing”.  Such easy communication, which is accompanied by discussion of news and gossip, will be able to distract you from the “heavy” and “important” thoughts that oppress your morale.

Get moving

Yes, and do not be surprised, physical exercise is excellent for toning not only the body but also the soul. Choose an activity to your liking, you should like it and then you will go there with pleasure, who knows what such a passing fondness can grow into? Yoga, Pilates, dancing, gym, strip-plastic, or swimming, choose something that has always attracted you, and then, without a doubt, your attention will be transferred from mental worries to the cheerful and bright world around you. 

Find something you like and do it

Don’t spend too long agonizing over what to do to improve the mood of yourself or your friend, because the answer is quite close. Everyone has a certain list of things he likes to do, life hobbies, which, unfortunately, many people simply do not have enough time for. Carve out certain hours when you know for sure that you can engage in your hobbies. Everyone has their own, someone reads books, someone does not mind watching another series, and someone plays the guitar or draws pictures, it does not matter, it is important to find time in such a fast-paced life. Enjoy gambling slots Kenya, drink a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, watch Netflix, go hiking, or volunteer – it doesn’t matter which hobbies you choose, but they will change your life for the better. 

Listen to music

If you are overcome by depressive and tense thoughts, then put your favorite musical composition, it is desirable that it was rhythmic and active, you can even sing along and beat the rhythm, it will help you relax and forget, and the first melody will be followed by another, Psychologists recommend listening to classical music to your mood: works by Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, and other musical authors.

Start changing your life for the better

If your bad mood has a logical basis, o a specific reason, then it is necessary, as soon as possible, to try to solve it. Are you tired of working much? Or is it the long-distance relationship that upset you? No matter how difficult it is, you can not wait for a miracle, everyone knows that there is a way out of any situation, you just may need to ask for help from family and friends, think hard, and do what you can do on your own to solve this problem. When you start to act, you will be able to regain confidence in your abilities, and this will lift your mood.


Arrange yourself a trip, at least a small one, for example, for a weekend. Plunge into those places where you have not yet been, look at the “new world”, take pictures, and communicate with the locals. And you don’t have to go to the end of the world to do this, just visit a neighboring town or village.

So if you are struggling to improve your mood, don’t be upset: these mood-boosting strategies can make you happier, bring back your memories, and make you think about positive aspects of life. Of course, if you have a low mood for a longer time, you should seek a psychologist. The tips listed above are practical game-changers, but to apply them you should be sure your psychological condition is stable.


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