Medical Expert Advocates Balancing Leadership with Wellness

Korede Abdullah


The Managing Director of Iwosan Wellness Centre, Dr Oluwatomi Kogo, has advised Nigerian leaders not to neglect their health while pursuing innovation, strategy and governance.

Kogo gave the advice at a dinner organised by the Chartered Institute of Directors (CIOD) with the theme: “Leadership and Wellness: Balancing Success and Wellbeing”.

The event held on Friday in Lagos. She said that on average, Nigeria was about 20 years below global life expectancy at 53.9 years against the global rate of 73.4 years.

The medical director noted that the single largest percentage of death in Nigeria was from non-communicable diseases such as heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, cancer and other cardiovascular diseases.

She said that the percentage of death was 74.

Kogo stressed that some of the common causes of non-communicable diseases were smoking, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, obesity, stress and harmful use of alcohol.

“We are contributing to the rise in non-communicable diseases by generally being reactivity instead of proactivity, and taking the easy way out, of popping pills, instead of lifestyle modification,” she said.

She listed other contributing factors to include preference for animal-based nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, fast meals because of work pressure, and belief that the fat child is the one ‘enjoying life’.



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