Insecurity: FCTA Destroys Settlements under Bridges in Abuja

The City Management Team of the Federal Capital Territory Administration, FCTA, on Tuesday began demolition of shanties built under bridges in Abuja.

The team, accompanied by security personnel, also evicted the squatters. This initiative aims to enhance security and safeguard the well-being and belongings of the residents.

According to the Director of Development Control, Mukhtar Galadima, who was represented by his Deputy Director, Hassan Ogbole, this operation comes as a result of informing the squatters about the need to leave the premises voluntarily or face expulsion.

“The reason behind these instructions is the concern for security surrounding the bridges in the FCT.

In January, the authorities had informed illegal squatters in the area about the security threats their presence poses to residents and requested that they leave. The current clean-up operation is a continuation of that effort and will target 10 bridges in the city, starting with the bridge by Abia House along Ahmadu Bello Way.

To prevent the squatters from returning, the director announced that the City Management Team had consulted with relevant stakeholders and departments on how to utilize the space effectively.

Galadima said,” The stakeholders recommended that the park operator in the area should take over the management of the under bridge. “No longer can spaces be reclaimed without being put to good use.

“As a result, we have proposed, pending approval from the FCT Minister, to allocate the spaces under the bridges to park managers for effective management and utilization.

Galadima also expressed concern that the activities of the squatters and scavengers had caused erosion and other engineering issues for the bridge pillars.

He revealed that provision was made for scavengers and Panteka in the Wasa layout, and the FCT Administration would organize and profile them and potentially relocate them to the area.

“We certainly don’t want them scattered everywhere.”

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