If you’re studying now or starting your degree in the next few years, here’s all the stuff you need to know about the agreement between the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide to create a new university fit for the future.
Both universities say the agreement is a smart move for their students, the universities themselves and the state’s economy, which will benefit from growth in our future industries.
So, why is it happening?
UniSA Vice Chancellor Prof David Lloyd put it this way – “The simple answer to that question is… we realise we can create something better together.”
Combining the resources of both universities means more funds for facilities and technology, so students will learn using best-practice infrastructure and cutting-edge systems.
The universities say they’ll overhaul their programs in creating the new uni, matching them to future workplace needs to ensure the new institution has the most contemporary curriculum in the country. Every program will have a digital underpinning and better build on the advanced digital skills of today’s students, specific to each area of study.
There will also be more flexibility, including methods of study and exit points, so students can study in ways that best suit them.
The coming together of the two universities will combine each of their teaching and research strengths to solve issues and unlock opportunities in areas that need a cross-disciplinary approach.
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Cross-disciplinary problem solving will help us find solutions to complex global issues, and also get to them much faster. For example, if you’re studying pharmaceutical science, in the future you might do collaborative research with someone who has studied machine learning – and use artificial intelligence to predict which new drugs will cure a disease.
All this means the new university will be highly regarded around the world, with ranking modelling indicating it will consistently be one of the global top 100 universities.
As a graduate, you’ll be better equipped for the jobs of tomorrow, whether you choose to stay in Australia or head overseas.
Launching in January 2026, the new Adelaide University will “give the next generation of learners the best opportunity to do well for themselves and to make a difference in the world,” according to Vice-Chancellor Prof Peter Høj of the University of Adelaide.
But until then, you’re probably wondering how it’s all going to impact your uni experience and outcomes.
Our summary below applies for current and future students, both domestic and international, at UniSA or the University of Adelaide.
There are a few steps before Adelaide University is created, including new legislation and legal and regulatory approvals.
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Here’s what’s proposed, subject to these legal and regulatory approvals:
- If you’ll be part-way through studies in January 2026, you’ll transition to Adelaide University and continue in your existing or an equivalent program.
- If you’re studying next year, whether starting or continuing, and transfer to the new uni when it opens, your parchment will be from Adelaide University, and it could also have the name and logo of your existing uni displayed if you would like it to.
- If you’re starting uni in 2025 (or any year after) and complete your studies after the new uni opens, you’ll simply get your parchment from Adelaide University without any other names or logos on it.
- If you finish your studies before 2026, your program will continue unchanged and on your usual campus.
- If you’re into research or doing a PhD, it’s expected that research will continue in the same way it does now at the two unis.
- The two unis say there’ll be no compulsory redundancies of staff in the leadup to the new uni opening and for 18 months after that.
- You might be asked for your opinions to inform the new uni’s delivery of an enhanced student experience, future-focused curriculum and research of global standing.
- Your degree will have global standing – it’s anticipated that the new uni will be among the top one per cent worldwide.
- There’ll be new merch – Adelaide University will have a new logo and branding.
- You’ll join the alumni group of Adelaide University.
P.S. For those who love a good vision statement, Adelaide University’s is:
Australia’s new for-purpose university is a leading contemporary comprehensive university of global standing. We are dedicated to ensuring the prosperity, wellbeing and cohesion of society by addressing educational inequality through our actions and through the success and impact of our students, staff and alumni. Partnered with the communities we serve, we conduct outstanding future-making research of scale and focus.
You can read more about the university agreement through the University of Adelaide’s Creating a University for the Future or these FAQs by the University of South Australia.
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