I salute all esteemed citizens of our great country, Nigeria – both small and great. Those who work in the limelight and those who work behind the scenes to make Nigeria a country we can all, gladly, call home. Let me make it clear that I do not take this opportunity to lead, as well as the massive support, for granted even as I stand before you today humbled, at this inauguration.
In time-honoured tradition and as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I must recognise the immense sacrifice of the brave men and women who have continued to serve on the front lines, with many paying the ultimate price to preserve the territorial integrity, maintain peace as well as law and order for our dear country. May these good people be remembered always and their labour never be in vain.
Likewise, I must include all healthcare workers who continue to serve with utmost dedication, from one pandemic to another, and more recently, the COVID-19 virus.
This is not to belittle the efforts of everyone else who has contributed one way or another to the economic, political and social advancement of our dear country, be it as individuals or corporate entities, with honour, integrity and hope, regardless of our challenges. You, likewise, have been invaluable stakeholders in Nigeria’s progress up to this point.
Fellow Nigerians, today marks the dawn of a new day for us as a people. One that will eclipse the clouds of our excesses as a people, as we strive to cut a clear path for our system. One that is unique to our challenges as much as it is to our opportunities.
Now, we have yet another opportunity to further strengthen the positive narratives that have cemented an enviable position for us in the comity of nations – as a country with immense potential, though still largely untapped. As a people who are known to be one of the brightest, most resourceful and respected in the global space for our ingenuity and resolve, despite adversity. These narratives must be our focus as we extract maximum value from them, and find our soul of nationhood, a commonly-held value that will bind us as one, on a determined course for reclaiming our lost glory, despite the uniqueness of our differences.
Therefore today, I President Bola Ahmed Tinubu pledge and resign myself to serve you all in bringing this to fruition. One decision at a time.
For this reason, I implore us all to unite and live together as brothers bonded by our allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The alternative, as you and I know, is unpalatable and will only serve to widen the divide that has continued to hamper our progress as a people.
Our dear country, Nigeria, is only as strong as we are united and as weak as we are divided. We must understand that there is no strength without unity and that we must all overcome ignorance and prejudice.
I stand before you to pledge reconciliation, to serve, “without malice towards anyone yet clarity towards everyone”.
Today the mandate is given to me by all Nigerians men and women, young and old and our children, to serve, protect and bring renewed hope. I will not misuse my chance to write history for, I, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, understand the pain of defeat and failure. I stand here with the prayers of all Nigerians, great and small, their hopes, aspirations and fears, their disbelief, misunderstanding and angsts.
I wish to express my highest regard for my opposition and implore us to work together fastidiously towards a new and better Nigeria one in which differences in opinions, ideologies and beliefs will be accommodated for the betterment of our nation and diverse people. More importantly, for generating new ideas that will move this country forward.
I President Bola Ahmed Tinubu intend to take on my responsibility. There will be many hard questions, debates and actions to be taken. I will take them with guidance and a clear focus. My objective is to transcend from our present position of uncertainty to a nation highly dedicated to development and economic reform.
Our transition will not be easy, but I pledge that where there is doubt, I will bring certainty, shining the torch of optimism and renewing hope for many who have always felt that their dear country is not for them as well. With visible, impactful results, their confidence in Nigeria shall be restored.
I will be the bearer of reform for social justice and the advocator of equality. I wish to leave a legacy of viable socio-economic development industrial planning, and reform in agriculture, social services, legislature, and civil services across the public and private sectors.
Therefore, I implore us all to join this new movement of renewed hope, because, together, we will be united in our purpose and interest to make Nigeria great.
I am not promising that it will be an entirely easy journey, considering our political differences which have been visibly fractured in recent days. However, with resolve wisdom and planning and a distinct desire to focus on our end goals and objectives we will evolve as a people, healed and restored to a definitive path of common prosperity, as one formidable force, regardless of our ethnic and religious diversity.
If Nigeria wishes to assume the title of the giant of Africa and transcend to be a respected global entity, we must start from within. Too often we believe we are entitled. Today, I say no to that mindset let us ask what we as individuals can do for our great nation not what we can take from it.
We must challenge misconceptions.
With a single objective mindset to compete in this new world. To set new frontiers of social and economic reform. We must raise our expectations in every sphere of governance.
As technology continues to play a crucial role in enterprise and systems, I am open to increased collaboration with the private sector, especially with the youth. This is how we will further strengthen the agriculture, and manufacturing sectors, and further deepen participation in key sectors such as fintech and digital technology such that more forward-thinking opportunities are created for all. Likewise, innovation in these key emerging sectors will attract more investments – locally and internationally, thereby boosting our collective earnings.
My government is open to developing Nigeria’s manufacturing and transportation sectors, by which we can solve the persistent problem of commuting our people as well as goods and services, safely and sustainably for a more prosperous economy that spurs growth for indigenous companies, and attracts foreign investments. We will, therefore, align ourselves to progressive economic goals that our children will be thankful for.
Additionally, I accept that this bold feat will be impossible without revolutionising the power sector. Therefore, we will embark on data audits to understand our energy needs, and to provide sustainable and cost-effective solutions to meet those needs. Crucially, this initiative if successfully implemented and actioned will decongest our urban areas, and provide more opportunities for manufacturers in rural vicinities where access to raw materials is easier, thereby, improving the quality of life as well as the local economy of host communities.
Furthermore, I pledge that we will commit to realistic environmental outcomes, and strive towards environmentally-friendly transportation, manufacturing and waste recycling to advance sustainability and cost efficiency, and further improve our image as a progressive society committed to the sanctity of the environment.
At this juncture, it’s worth informing you of our commitment to developing local talent and skills which have been in abundance among our youths. By spurring growth and participation in the Nigerian MSME space through favourable policies, we hope to reduce economic migration due to dwindling opportunities and, especially, faint hope in the nation as a result of the economic and political upheavals of recent years. Likewise, such a spirited effort to regain the trust of our productive young will have a ripple effect on providing commonly-held values that advance our nationhood.
We will strive towards greater exportation of products and goods, but rest assured of our commitment to encourage Nigerian entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas, whilst developing adequate infrastructure so they can compete confidently on the global stage. It’s time to agree, once and for all, that we cannot remain a consumer nation, but we must boost our capacity to produce and further diversify our economic interests to other sectors apart from oil. While ongoing efforts to achieve a diversified economy have yielded results, steps must be taken to intensify them and redeem the lost time and years that have seen many opportunities lost.
We must, therefore, intensify focus on our immense human resources especially the renowned pool of talent that Nigeria is and has always been. We can no longer downplay our immense human capital to our detriment, nor ignore your calls for a more inclusive and participatory government where ideas are shared freely for improving our commonwealth.
For this inclusion to be a success, we must acknowledge you, the Nigerian youth, as the lifeblood of our economic revolution and call for that much-needed intergenerational marriage of new ideas and experience that will provide the right context of our history, the full perspective of our current challenges, and the in-depth understanding of the solution that will provide a future brighter than we can ever imagine.
At this very point I, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, acknowledge the sacrifice of the Nigerian youth in improvising, creating and projecting an international image of confident enterprise, creativity and patriotism to the international community. Without you, the progress we have made in the international community through your art and innovation would not have been possible.
With the renewed hope that you the Nigerian youth have provided, we are confident in our ability to reclaim our lost glory and tap our potential as a nation to the fullest through honest enterprise, and the unity of preference for continuous innovation and new perspectives on resolving our common issues.
We will place greater emphasis on vocational training, by which more youths are empowered for enterprise and innovation, and are better enabled to provide systems of advantage through employment and transfer of skills and achieve self-sufficiency, likewise.
We must commit to a skill-based education system, and promote STEM education further, to prepare for new frontiers in, engineering, information communication and technology, coding robotics, and agriculture, among other sectors that have continued to enjoy innovation and revolution.
So today I stand before you all it is now my turn to repay your faith in me, and reach intelligent compromises and conclusions to our common advantage.
Today is about reconciliation, love, and wisdom. I am willing to use my office to unify, heal, and transition Nigeria into a more productive nation. One with more opportunities for all regardless of ethnicity or faith.
I, therefore, pray for my legacy to stand the scrutiny of our youth, and respect the teachings of our forefathers. I am ready to work with you, dear citizens of Nigeria, to usher this great country of ours into a new dawn.
So here I stand, before you today, ready to lead and set a new precedent for Nigeria, our home.
I, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu stand before you today, to boldly say “Eyin l’okan”. It is your turn, dear countrymen.
May God bless you and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Abdul Keem, a PR consultant, publisher and writer, hails from Lagos. He can be reached via +2348038795377 or [email protected]
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