
Over 200 Police officers deployed at the Rwanda National Police (RNP) General Headquarters, Kacyiru, and those operating in varied units in City of Kigali, donated blood on Friday, April 28, to boost the national blood bank and to save lives.
The voluntary human security exercise was supervised by the National Center for Blood Transfusion (NCBT).
It is in line with the agreement signed between the RNP and Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) in March 2017, to partner in aspects of health and security related healthcare.
The RNP deputy spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Boniface Rutikanga said that voluntary blood donation has become part of the RNP cultural values to save those in need.
“Beyond just policing, the health of the people is also part of security, and as guided by the agreement signed between the RNP and RBC (Rwanda Biomedical Centre), it has become a periodic exercise for Police officers across the country to donate blood to save lives,” ACP Rutikanga said.
The long-term partnership between the RNP and RBC also focuses on blood donation, fighting narcotic drugs especially among the youth; mental health interventions and fighting sexual and gender based violence.
“Voluntary blood donation is now part of the RNP human security activities, either here in Rwanda or in other countries where they are deployed in peacekeeping missions. It is an aspect of health security,”
Irène Uwamahoro from the National Center for Blood Transfusion, thanked Police officers for their continued humanitarian spirit to save those in need of blood.
“We work well with Rwanda National Police and the turn up of officers to donate blood voluntarily is always high, either here in Kigali or upcountry where they are deployed,” Uwamahoro said.(End)
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