10 Health Benefits of African Locust Bean (Dawadawa)


The African Locust bean, commonly referred to as “Dawadawa” By Ghanaians is a local seasoning or condiment used in soups and stews. A very popular soup ingredient, globally, it is referred to as African locust bean with the botanical name as Parkia biglobosa.

It is rich in divers nutrients and has great health benefits to Africans who consume it.

Some of these health benefits we will be highlighting.

  1. Good vision

Due to the natural ingredients and nutrients found in African locust bean, it makes it therefore one of the best treatment of bad vision and eyes issue such as Myopia,Cataract and even minus eyes.

  1. It can treat stroke

Stroke is caused when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly obstructed by any substance which is fatal and dangerous to the health of individuals.

Research shows that consuming a good amount of African locust bean will definitely help you against such sickness.

  1. Reduces cholesterol

Cholesterol can cause blockage within the blood vessels thereby reducing the flow of blood to the heart which will definitely lead to heart issues. Eating locust beans can help your body burn the amount of cholesterol found in our bodies.

  1. Treat Diarrhea

Due to the amount of tannin found in African locust bean, it will heal diarrhea, which is a gastrointestinal disorder with the symptoms of frequent watery bowel movements. Consuming African locust beans will help you relive diarrhea.

  1. Treat hypertension

Hypertension also referred to as high blood pressure occurs when is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently increasing above the normal level. Therefore consuming a good amount will help people with hypertension.

  1. Helps control blood sugar level

The human body requires sugar to produce enough energy but it should be stable otherwise if unstable of high will cause diabetes. Therefore consuming African locust bean will help you control blood sugar level.

  1. Improve digestion

Eating a good amount of African locust beans can improve digestion. Good digestion will give you a healthy body as the excretion process in the body will be facilitated which will prevent constipation.

  1. Healthy weight

Underweight is not healthy and vice-versa which is sometimes not easy to be normal weight or just gain weight for underweight. Eating African locust bean will help you gain weight in a natural way.

  1. Heal Wounds

As mentioned above it can be used to treat ulcer wounds internally by eating the beans as well as external wounds. The leaves when pounded can be applied on wounds and the bean can be paste on the wound to heal the wounds.

  1. Reduce Fever

Consuming a good amount of African locust bean can reduce fever. It was traditionally used to reduce high fever which is still practiced in some rural African communities and also send away evil spirits because of its unpleasant smell.

African locust beans is one of the best gift of God to Africans but sadly only a few sees this, it consist of many vital nutrients which are cherished by the body. Therefore regular consumption of healthy African locust beans will give you good health



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