Animal connection: Pets do your body good | News


ASHLAND When there’s no one at Tri-State Counseling and Psychotherapy, there is still life.

Callie, the office cat, and Scarlett, the hedgehog, occupy the office and a place in the heart of clients and those who work there.

“They are more famous than we are and provide wonderful support for those who come see us,” Steve Tackett, a counselor at the office, said.

There is a reason for those animals in the office, as there is a reason so many people have pets.

Connection to animals provides a variety of benefits for humans, physically and emotionally.

Tackett noted spending time with a pet has been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate, as well as increase endorphins and oxytocin, even cholesterol levels and heart health in general. Having a pet also increases the physical activity of the owner.

Emotionally, pets can lower anxiety and stress, alleviate depression and boost overall happiness and well-being, Tackett said.

“Having a pet can help you socially as well, by developing friendships,” he said.

Benefits of the presence of an animal in one’s life isn’t restricted to dogs and cats.

“Almost any animal could most likely suffice,” he said. “I know of clients who have used horses, cows, skunks, raccoons, guinea pigs, ferrets, snakes, rats, fish, and of course hedgehogs. So I am sure we can draw benefits from any pet we would connect with and care for.”

Animals may be a service animal, trained to assist a person with a disability; a therapy animal, trained to provide comfort and affection; or an emotional support animal, providing the owner support and therapeutic benefits via their companionship. Tackett said many of his clients bring their animals with them when they have sessions at his office.

The role animals serve is more expansive than what many think of when they hear the word “pet.”

“Often people are just as connected to their pets as they are their human family members and friends,” he said. “They provide a great distraction from the hard parts of life and show us unconditional love and regard (most of the time) so that alone is healing.”

Tackett said he doesn’t know animals show such love to humans, but he has been on the receiving end his entire life.

“There is something about getting a baby animal, caring for it, holding it, bonding with it,” he said. “They provide work, entertainment and affection, all of which humans need.”

Animals can help clients with grounding skills, which he said clients can use when they get upset, anxious or have other negative emotion.

“This involves using your five senses to connect with the moment, and what could be better than petting your dog, playing with your cat, riding a horse or holding your iguana?” he said. “By being connected in the present, we can allow our uncomfortable feelings to pass on their own.”

Connecting with animals doesn’t work for everyone because not everyone likes animals. Tackett said he believes many who don’t like animals weren’t raised around them, had a bad experience with an animal or, as a child, picked up on an adult’s feelings that deterred them from being interested.

In some instances, people gravitate toward a particular pet based on their own personality.

“A simple Google search will find articles discussing this and also making links even to preferences between men and women,” he said. “Sometimes animals choose us, too. I know our Callie at the office chose us.”

But why do animals like us? Tackett said it depends on the animal.

“Dogs genuinely like us, I believe. Some cats may like us, too, while others tolerate us,” he said. “I believe there is a true relationship between humans and animals. They are family at times. They are co-workers at times. They are our emotional support and can even help us with our medical issues. But always, they can be our friends and link to socially excelling.”


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