Technology is dynamic, and keeping pace with technological advances is paramount for KNH.
Being a national referral and teaching facility, the Hospital endeavors to remain a leader in the provision of health care services in the region.
The acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment in the Hematology and Blood Transfusion Unit Laboratories confirms our resolve to serve our clients better. This new technology is intended to assist clinicians to make a speedy diagnosis and eventual management of medical conditions presented by our clients.
Cellular Analysis Line In November 2022, Kenyatta National Hospital acquired a new generation hematology analyzer dubbed the cellular analysis line (CAL). The newly acquired MINDRAY®CAL 8000 is a smarter workstation with a simpler workflow.
The MINDRAY ®CAL 8000 2.1 is an integrated system composed of three pieces of equipment in one platform connected by a track module system and operated from just a single computer, hence a more compact solution.
The system integrates two identical 6-part MINDRAY BC-6800 PLUS hematology analyzers as ANALYZER
1 and ANALYZER 2 respectively, which work independently even though operated from one computer software.
The advanced MINDRAY BC 6800 PLUS hematology analyzer is a high throughput 6-PART Analyzer, dubbed so due to its ability to test for Immature Granulocytes (IMG) besides the common 5-PART Differential White Blood Cells (WBC) parameters.
Each analyzer is capable of performing 200 samples per hour for the common complete blood count and white blood differentials (CBC+DIFF). With the two identical equipment in one platform, this means that 400 tests of complete blood count can be done per hour.
The software-operated track module system ensures that the sample racks are loaded into the analyzer not engaged at the time hence ensuring continuous testing and individual test results without delay or confusion which is most common with open- vial testing equipment.
The hematology analyzers have flexible modes of testing according to the physician’s preference per individual patient; including an option for reticulocyte testing.
The analyzers are also able to perform tests for both blood samples and body fluid samples such as
Cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) Peritoneal fluids, synovial fluids, with 40 tests per hour for the latter per individual analyzer.
The third equipment in the CAL 8000 is the MINDRAY SC-120. This is an automated blood and body fluid smear preparation and staining component for microscopic examination by pathologists.
The automation in slide preparation and staining gives a highly standardized and consistent slide for the pathologist’s quick reading and interpretation. The system has preset validation rules on the equipment software thus, a single blood sample can move to the hematology analyzer for haemogram tests and finally move to the SC-120 for its slide preparation and staining before being offloaded from the equipment.
The equipment system uses the most advanced technology and principles of the ‘Focusing Flow DC’ method for red blood cell testing and platelets count confirmation (optical), Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin testing, Flow Cytometry, and Scatter- Fluorescent (SF-CUBE) 3D Analysis for the most accurate analysis of clinically significant parameters in a hematology lab.
KNH acquires more laboratory state-of-the-art analyzers
“The hematology analyzers have flexible modes of testing according to the physician’s preference per individual patient; including an option for reticulocyte testing.”
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