Wellness & Fitness
Creative ways to keep your blood sugar under control during the festive season
Monday January 02 2023
Creative ways to keep your blood sugar under control during the festive season. PHOTO | POOL
The festive season is an opportunity to spend time with family and friends enjoying an abundance of food and each other’s company.
It is also a trying time for people with diabetes as many of the traditional foods on the table are rich and laden with calories and carbohydrates.
But with creative thinking and careful planning, a diabetic can eat, drink, and celebrate along with friends and family while still keeping blood sugar under control.
READ: Doctor’s take on myths and facts in treating the disease
Here’s how.
Stick to Diabetes Plate Method
The surest way to stay on track is by sticking to the Diabetes Plate Method. This helps manage your portions stress-free without measuring and counting your food.
According to this method, fill half your plate with low-carbohydrate vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower or spinach. Fill one-quarter with high-protein foods like fish, or poultry. Fill the last quarter with starches like whole grains, or fruits.
Manage your carbohydrates
There are bound to be plenty of carbohydrate options at your festivity feasts. Your best bet is to watch portion sizes. If you cannot decide on one, or two carbohydrate foods to eat, take a tiny portion or “samples” of several.
To keep your glucose within its normal range, try to keep your total carbohydrate intake for the meal (including dessert) as it would be on a regular day.
Carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar more than any other nutrient. Avoid foods that provide simple carbohydrates such as white bread, soda, and cake.
Don’t over-indulge in meat dishes
Some people believe that a diet rich in protein is good for diabetics so they will lean more on the meat dishes which are in plenty during the festivities.
Studies have shown that eating too much protein, especially animal protein (red meat), may actually cause insulin resistance, a key factor in diabetes.
Choose water, or another very low-calorie drink
Avoid drinks that are high in sugar such as soda and juices. Instead take water, soup, or dawa (lemon, ginger, and honey mix).
Coffee and tea are also options, but be careful with the add-ins like cream, honey and sugar. Sugar substitute drinks can also be enjoyed but in small quantities.
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When it comes to substituting sugar with honey, some people believe that honey isn’t sugar, yet one teaspoon of honey is equivalent to 7 grams of sugar.
Keep alcohol in check
Alcohol can be enjoyed in small amounts during the festivities. However, drinking alcohol can cause a drop in blood glucose levels, which can be dangerous if you take insulin and/or glucose-lowering medication.
If you have to drink, make sure not to drink on an empty stomach, or when your blood glucose is low. Also choose calorie-free drink mixers like club soda, tonic water or diet soda.
Lighten up your favourite dishes
There are simple ways you can lighten up your favourite dishes. Even just reducing the carbs in your meals can be helpful.
For example, cut the sugar by half, or more when making desserts such as cakes, or fruit pies and skip the icing on cakes and ice cream.
You can also use healthier toppings like plain yoghurt for dressing salads and healthier oils in your cooking such as sunflower, olive oil or peanut oil.
Keep physically active
Keeping your body moving is still important throughout the festive season.
A simple exercise routine in the morning or a brisk walk to make the heart pump faster in the evening will help a lot in staying physically active.
Dr Khabure is a family medicine resident at Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi.
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