Occupations that have the most sex!


Occupations that have tlof-tlof regularly!

Occupations that have tlof-tlof regularly!

WE live busy lives that are mostly centred on our jobs.

According to the latest statistics, the average person will spend 90 000 hours at work over a lifetime.

In simple terms, the average human being spends a third of their time at work, which according to one health experts is a lot.

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If many of us are spending so much time at our occupations, when do we find time do other things e.g., having sex.

Finding time to have tlof-tlof is vital as we all know the health and social benefits that come with having regular sex.

While this may be the case, some occupations are lucky enough to have some regular sexual action.

According to Sustain-Health, new research has revealed that some occupation lovers in the UK are far more likely to orgasm during sex than others, while one in twenty 5% never orgasm at all.

The study, conducted by bed and mattress specialists, Bed SOS, found that almost one in ten (8%) women never experience an orgasm, despite having sex an average of 3.2 times per week.

However, 98% of men are orgasming at least once a week and have an average rate of 3.7 times, meaning more than once per session.

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Furthermore, the research also identified the professions which are doing the deed most and least often.

While those working in healthcare have the most sex each week.

According to the research findings, these are the occupations that are having sex more on a weekly basis:

1.Healthcare professionals (3.7 times)

Most of the health workers generally have positive attitudes toward sexual and reproductive health in general. This automatically makes them the most likely to have the most sex

2.Finance (3.6 times)

Besides juggling numbers, people in the finance occupation seem to also be juggling the sex lives with a great balance.

3.HR / Recruitment (3.5 times)

This shouldn’t come as a surprise because anyone who works in the Human Resource department must be able to work and deal with people. This should also greatly apply to sex, right?

4.IT (3.4 times)

From coding, programming and maintenance. People in the Information Technology space must be good with cracking codes and ensuring everything runs smoothly, especially in the bedroom.

5. Retail workers (3.3 times)

They know all about customer satisfaction, which makes them regulars in the bedroom.


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